On Monday 19th October 2009, W.Bro. Graham Halsall, Asst. Prov. G. Chaplain, Mark Province of West Lancashire, was installed in the chair of Darwen Mark No. 1327, East Lancashire by W. Bro. John Rimmer, who is also a West Lancashire Mark Mason being the treasurer of Aeon Mark No. 1312.

The occasion was honoured by the attendance of W.Bro David Anderson, PGSD, Deputy Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire and our own Rt.W.Bro Peter Connolly, Mark Prov. G. Master of West Lancashire.

In addition a vast number of West Lancashire Mark Masons attended from Preston, Leyland and Chorley including two Grand Stewards.

As you can see a good night was had by all.

Still looking for photograph MB



This archive article courtesy of Chris Furmston